Fotograma Xilema

Edición 2017 – Parcela 3

A look is the sincerest gesture of love. This natural, simple action becomes a story that can bridge the distance between the past and present, a line on the horizon. Few words speak louder than a look that crosses a void.

A person putting their eye to a peephole is an action involving physical presence. It lets light travel through the interstice of matter, to form a suspended image. Mystery is revealed and illuminated. There is a tunnel created by the inert body of a tree, a visual hole in the wood.

16 trunks are keeping a secret in their hearts. An orifice invites the visitor to look inside, revealing the memories of the trees, to discover what they were, to find the past in the present, and set it on the retina. A wander, where visitors discover what their eyes do not see at first glance: a garden, a lonely park… places suspended in time, emerging from the abyss. This ‘forest of memories’ is accompanied by different plants that accentuate reflection on memories.

– Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea represents the difficulty of transit without memory.

– Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ is life in motion, the ever-present decoy.

A journey to shared memory, to the hidden world of trees, to the memory of parks, forests, town squares and gardens. A homage to all shared spaces, to the presence and beauty of trees as meeting places, the resting place of treasures, and the evocation of time.


TEAM: Flumen 2
Miguel Ángel Nava Cuervo e Charo Piñango Muñoz

ORIGIN: Madrid
