Bed of flowers
Editión 2022 – Garden 3
A bedroom is your safe place, where you can truly be yourself. It is a place to relax, rewind and heal yourself. With the ongoing pandemic, the need for “touch” is more important than ever. We all know that plants are beneficial for our mental health, and supportive in the healing process. The garden invites you on this mental journey to the bed of flowers. The main concept is the opportunity to lay down between the flowers, where you can explore, smell, and feel. Various types and colors of flowers shall express different moods. We want you to touch, and be touched, both mental and physical after visiting the garden.
Blumenbett: Theresa Wörgötter e Emilie Rosenberg Johansen
Austria and Norway
Team Blumenbett consists of Theresa Wörgötter from Austria and Emilie Rosenberg Johansen from Norway. During Emilie’s exchange from the Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) to Vienna, they met and participated in the International Festival of Jardins de Allariz, 2022 edition. They both study landscape architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). “Bed of flowers” is the first project they did together.