The endless worlds of the haijines
Edition 2021 – Garden 7
Unfolding amid fish and birds the infinite worlds of the Haijin
For a Haijin (Japanese poet), roaming a garden can become an experience that inspires them to create beautiful haikus. In a few words, they can capture a moment: those fish crowded in a pond looking at the lilies, a cricket lost in the bamboo. Their subjects are normally nature and the passage of the seasons.
Everything in a garden is poetry. That is why haikus, those short, three-line poems that don’t rhyme, offer a perspective that makes the here and now eternal.
Our aim is to create a garden that shares the spirit of the haiku.
We have therefore designed a simple journey based on pure shapes but bursting with moments, symbols and haikus. The human-made and natural elements conspire to bring the visitor into a world of contemplation and reading.
The centre of the garden is a dry circle that contains an iconic Japanese tree (the Sakura) accompanied by the haikus of the four seasons.*
An oval infinity fountain protects and emphasises the central circle and creates the shape of the main path.
This journey is split into two stretches formed by a wall-axis that has a Japanese maple at one end and a maidenhair tree at the other.
Inside the garden, visitors will be given opportunities to walk, contemplate, read, rest and daydream.
Team 3 Gen
We are an interdisciplinary team, formed by three generations: Grandmother, Mother and Son.
We are working in several projects, naturally associated. Each of us offers something from our area, enriching the process and the results.
An architect, graduated from The Catholic University of Cordoba. She is a landscaper who studied a master in Landscaping Architecture, UCC, also qualified in Urban Planning and Territorial Management, UE.S.21.
She has been developing her career since year 2000 in her own Studio Architecture + Landscaping. She is heading towards projects and ideas in a sustainable ecological context.
Winner of the First Prize for Creativity, Design and Innovation, Murvi, 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She is a professor of Drawing, graduated from UNC. Writer. Member of the Haiku Group Cordoba.
She is a co-writer of the book “Haikus from the Extreme Occident”, 2017, Cordoba, Arg. Co-founder of “Aquilea Editions”.
He is an artist, covering several areas: traditional and digital painting, sculpture, 3D modelling and depiction, Concept Art. He studied with prominent artists from Argentina, Brazil, Europe and the USA.
A collaborator in the design of the central mural painting.
He is an architect from UNC. He develops a personal technique in order to produce masterpieces using volumetric weaves which transform through light and shadow.