Xardín Futurista
Edition 2021 – Garden 11

‘Les Poètes maudits’ elaborated a kind of poetry full of sinister beauty and a catastrophic view of life. We make a selection of poems with the aim of focusing the theme around a hopeless feeling of nature. A reality that is disconnected from its origin, which is not able to observe the beauty that is in our environment.
In a time when our habitat is severely threatened, we identify in these pessimistic poems a
relationship with the future of the environment. We want to rely on ancient words to give
voice to a current problem and thus create a garden that is a protest, a defense, a future or a
utopia, it depends on us.
We propose an intervention that represents the reality of the gardens that we will have in the
future if we do not act. A desert landscape that will leave the feeling of having forgotten all the life it contained.
Composed of a series of architectural elements that, abandoned, are invaded
by withered nature and poems as ‘painted’ in walls. In an intervention that values poetry,
poets who were rejected and the environment, we seek that, after touring it, visitors and
spectators are more aware of the danger that our landscapes are in and how, if we want to
continue enjoying the natural spaces, we must take measures to make this space a fantasy and not a reality.
Alfredo Lamberti
Verónica González
Misture is what happens when the barrier between the indoors and outdoors fades away to
create a continuous, habitable whole.
It is this all-encompassing vision of design that led
landscape and interior designers Veronica Gonzalez y Alfredo Lamberti to combine forces in
2019 to found Misture, a studio that bridges the divide between interior and exterior