Restlessness garden

Edition 2021 – Garden 5

To inspire the design of our garden, we chose Fernando Pessoa, a 20th-century Portuguese poet who wrote his poems using different heteronyms and who achieved worldwide influence and recognition.The concept of our garden is based on the duality of two heteronyms: Alberto Caeiro, the shepherd, and Álvaro de Campos, the ship engineer.

We propose a space with a natural appearance that is interrupted by industrialisation. We want to tell the story of evolution, how we come from the natural world and how we created the industrial one, only to leave us feeling overwhelmed today. Are we truly important? Are we primary or secondary agents in world history? The Earth’s timeline tells us that the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens is recent in terms of the formation of the planet. If we are recent arrivals, how can we be evolving so quickly? Is it evolution or destruction?

The most noticeable part of our garden is the elevation of the ground. With its two-metre climb, our goal is to create a hill that will awaken curiosity among visitors regarding the space, so that they will be the ones to discover the tunnel created there. This tunnel was designed to try to gradually isolate the user from their surroundings until they are submerged underground, alone with their thoughts, worries and restlessness, like Fernando Pessoa.

From outside the garden, on one hand, visitors can contemplate the world in its simplicity, like Alberto Caeiro, and, on the other, turbulent sensations, like Álvaro de Campos.Beyond the main artificial path that creates isolation, the spatial distribution of the plants and structures across the mountain generates a network of unmarked paths to create a liberating experience.

uno+uno: Isotta Cortesi e Gisela Bartoloni

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Formed in the same class of the Land scape Architecture course at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, these 5 fellowmembersandfriends, João Soares, Matilde Pereira, Maria Martins, Catarina Neves, Gabriela Magalhães, got together to propose a garden for the Festival Internacional de Jardins de Allariz, 2020 edition.

With different styles and different approachesonl and scape design, this team is brought together by the love for land scape architecture and all its principles. Driven by the passion of design and in full contact with nature, this team is always excited to face challenges and let the world know what a land scape architectureis.