Na procura do íntimo

2018 Edition – Garden 6

Todo amor ten un espacio.
Todo espacio un baleiro.
E nós enchímonos de nós,
baleirándonos de nós.

Claudio Rodríguez Fer

The path to eroticism is seeking its place here. An intriguing and subtle space for introspection.

This garden invites visitors to enjoy its colours and savour the sweet caress of its textures. Silk, flowers and fruit, sharing an intense red, form the backdrop to a space where instincts also have their place, in the most intimate part of our beings.

Eroticism is approached as a journey in search of pleasure, a coming-together with the environment, a sharp awakening of the senses. An awareness of transparency is expressed through a soft grid made of ribbons. A subtly suggested path, a suggestion of the next space stands in contrast to the usual harshness of direct display.

After walking among evocative flowers and ornamental combinations, the visitor reaches the end of the tour, an intimate, social space, with a palpable connection to the outside. The homogeneous plants, fabric partitions and the security of feeling hidden from outsiders looking in make this a serene space, a special place to rest, concealed behind a wall of red plants.

The intensity of fullness, the calm of emptiness.

Anta Caramelo Arquitectos - José Anta Rodríguez | Nuria Caramelo Novo


EQUIPO: Anta Caramelo Arquitectos

José Anta Rodríguez | Nuria Caramelo Novo


Team comprising architect Nuria Caramelo, who trained at the University School of Architecture of A Coruña, and architect and landscape architect José Anta, who trained at the University School of Architecture of A Coruña and at the Galician School of Landscape Architecture.